Why I Love The Post

There are many reasons to love the news, metro, and style sections...but today, I love it for the Sunday extras. After scouring the ads, I found that Staples and Office Depot are offering free photo printers with the purchase of a dig cam. Go figure, we are finally getting our first printer thanks to Nana and Grandpa John upgrading to a nicer, newer one and now another printer option falls in our lap. Just might have to get the free one and tuck it away for a great Xmas gift for an unsuspecting relative (unless of course they read this...which will mean they will open the printer Xmas morn and thank us for the regift of a freebie). I am such a sucker for a great deal!

Ay Carumba

So, our lovely adorable 4 year old (#2) has become quite the much so that she broke our digital camera. We have been not seriously in the market for a new dig cam for several years but never put any serious thought into it until I couldn't get the lens to pop out this morning right before we were to head out to our annual trip to the pumpkin farm. So for the first time in five straight yearly visits, I did not get a pick of the kids at the pumpkin patch. It wouldn't be such a big deal, except that is the pic I put in the October spot of the yearly Shutterfly calendar I hand out to the grandparents' at Christmas time.

Before heading to the patch, we scoured the internet (I am a research hound!!!) for reviews on regular and SLR dig cams. While an SLR would be a terrific accessory to our family picture taking activities, I do need to have money leftover to put food on the table for my little munchkins, so we settled on a Canon 560 or 570...we haven't decided if we want to pay more for the optical image stabilization...which is worth it for me since practically every perfect picture I take is blurred by a kid blinking or a puppy bonking my elbow ever so slightly.

I am such the bargain shopper that we left Best Buy to check out Costco who didn't have it in stock, and now plan to purchase it online. How will I survive the next few days without the ability to snap a single photo? No, my cell phone does not have picture capabilities...I have yet to conjer up the courage to take all four lovely little children to a Verizon store to trade in my old phone (a hand me down from a friend since one of the kids stuck my phone in the dog's water worked, but the screen was toast so I could never tell who was calling and if I was dialing the right number) for a new one...aside from the fact that the account is in the hubby's name, so the company doesn't seem to take kindly to anything I have to say or do regarding our account.

So, while my day started a little rough with the hubby calling to let me know his car wouldn't start in the parking lot of our fave New Mexican Style Restaurant on his way to take #1 to his soccer game while I was working on packing up the car to sell a bunch of loot at my sister-in-law's yard sale...which meant I had to go jump him and leave the the camera not working, but the pumpkin patch being fun, and making enough money at my mom's yard sale to pay for my next hair appointment, and a wonderful dinner with a fun group of friends for the first time in ages, it turned out to be quite perfect. I am ready to go feed the screaming 10 month old upstairs, call it a night, and look forward to #1's school friend's bday party tomorrow at the new Pump It Up pad.

Nightie Night!

I Want To Get Off The Wagon!!!

Puffs has created the best invention of 2007...Vicks menthol tissues!!! Even if I wasn't congested, I think I would still sit on the couch sniffing one just for the fun of it. My oldest one who is battling a nasty cold is totally addicted as well.

Remember back on Sept 20th, how I said I was finally climbing out of the laundry pile after a stomach bug and skin rash...well...I spoke prematurely. I did catch up on the laundry, but that did not signal the end of our sickly demise. Pink eye hit and is still making the rounds, one family member at a time. The hubby ended up in the hospital with food poisoning. The caboose's (#4) third tooth finally broke thru which has riddled him with an occasional fever and nasty diaper experiences that led to a painful diaper rash.

And I ended up with a double ear infection and sinus infection (according to the doc, I had a "true" infection due to the lovely neon yellow liquid dripping out of my nose whenever bending over to pick up a child, toy, or the like) which explains why I felt like complete and total crap when I thought I just had a simple cold that wouldn't get better. The first round of anitbiotics didn't do the trick (I have finally been let down by my wonder antibiotic Zithromax). Round #2 of anitbiotics and going amazingly well except for the fact that it has now been 2.5 weeks since I have been able to enjoy a glass of wine or any other form of alcoholic beverage. One of my favorite activities is to unwind on the couch with a glass of red wine and watch my shows (anything that is not on Disney, Noggin, Nick Jr, or Sprout) after everyone has gone to bed. I miss that dearly! The wine bottles are gathering dust!

So I hope this next week proves to be much better for us healthwise and I can get off the wagon I never wanted to be on in the first place. Until then, I'll pretend my Lemon Italian Soda is a Lemon Drop and the Blood Orange one is a Tequila Sunrise.



This pretty much covers it.