Back to School!

Summer vacation is quickly coming to an end. We enjoyed a summer of no obligations and it was wonderful. We biked to the new pool at our local YMCA, went camping, built a playground in the backyard, had a few bbqs, and I even snuck out to VA for a visit with my family all by myself!

School starts on Tuesday which will find me with a 4th grader, 2nd grader, kindergartner and preschooler. With homework, swimming lessons and karate in our near future, our lazy days of summer will be a thing of the past.

We are all excited for the new school year and as ready as we'll ever be for the early morning alarms followed by the dressing and eating chaos. My goal for this year is to be on time for school drop off and not to forget a drop off/pick up as I will spend most of my days shuttling kids to and from school and activities.

Bye, bye summer vacation!