Happy Indep Day - Part II
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on 08 July 2007
We spent the weekend down at the "rivah" for our second 4th of July celebration this week. Nana and Grandpa John's town has a whole host of festivities lined up for families of all ages in which we have been a part of for 3 years now. Our favorite activities are the neighborhood picnic, parade, and fireworks. The highlight of the parade for the kids is that the various participants throw candy at them. #3 loved the fireworks so much that after the finale ended, she looked up at me with the sweetest face and said, "More please." I may have many tricks of my sleeve, but making fireworks appear out of thin air (as it seems to happen in the eyes of my children) is not one of them. I think #1 would say his favorite part of the weekend, was fishing with daddy and trapping 6 crabs that Nana so kindly steamed for him so perfectly that he ate up every last bit.
#1 found this adorable praying mantis while I was loading up the car and waiting for Kirkiez to arrive home from work so we could leave for the rivah
Nana and her wonderful friend who has ever so kindly allowed us to enjoy the parade and fireworks from her yard over the last 3 years
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