The first week of school brought the usual bumps...a lost drink container on the first day that turned out to be zipped up in the lunchbox and a lost lunch box on day 2 that was apparently left on the bus after #1 threw a fit when dad put it in his backpack cuz he insisted he carry it separately like everyone else. Well, he swore he hung it up on the hook in his classroom and then it disappeared...big surprise, it was left on the bus because he forgot to pick it much for supposedly hanging it up in the apologies first grade teacher for the time and effort you put into searching the classroom for a "missing" drink container and lunchbox.
#2 had her preschool open house last week and starts this Wednesday. While at the open house, her love interest arrived. The 2 lovebirds acted as if they didn't know each other and perused the room with barely a glance in the other's direction. Although the two may act coy in person, they spend a good portion of their time in their respective homes speaking of each other. #2 has plans to marry this boy and has gone so far as to get into my jewelry box and steal my rings. One of them has ended up in the hole of a tree in our backyard that we must now chop down...don't worry...this ring incident has brought to our attention to the fact that the tree needs to come down...we don't go around chopping down trees for the fun of it. The hole that the ring somehow "accidentally" fell into is at the base of the tree and caused by rot.
Taking down the tree will not be something that comes easily (except it would be nice to get the family heirloom back in the confines of my jewelry box that will soon find a higher, more secure resting place). Ever since we got our playground in the backyard, this tree has come to be a special part of our daily routine. You see, #1 and #2 have learned how to swing by themselves. #3 is still a little young for the skill level necessary to accomplish the swing pump. Since the backyard by the playground is a bit buggy and woodsy, I often hang closer to the house with #4. #3 has devised a brilliant plan to get me to come down to the swings and push her. She climbs the tree with the hole that we are now aware of, gets "stuck", then hollers for help. As soon as I help her get safely to the ground, she runs to her swing, climbs in, and says "Pull Me!" (#2 started saying "pull me" instead of "push me" and now #3 does the same no matter how many times I correct them with the proper playground term). It should be interesting to see what #3's next tactic will be once her current partner in crime bites the dust and turns into mulch at the recycling plant.
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