Happy, happy, joy, joy

A fantastic day was had by the family as we spent the afternoon at Metzi's dining on some of the best persian food cooked outside of my mother in law's kitchen. If you haven't yet tried Shamshiri, I highly recommend and you must be sure to get the hot chili mystery sauce that I swear I will figure out how to make some day.

While enjoying the delicious food and wonderful company of friends and family, we witnessed one of the most precious things ever seen...#4 fell asleep in the crook of Papi's arm. The kids have always had a special warm spot in their hearts for their dear Papi so it wasn't as surprising as it was just so darn adorable to see an almost 1 year old so comfortable cuddled up next to his 93 year old great grandfather. And more exciting than that is the fact that the man who hid from the camera years ago, now begs for us to take pictures of him with his great grandchildren.

Will upload some pics tomorrow. Time to go do the dishes, gather my yarn, and get to work on Christmas gifts before I run out of creative craft time and must resort to buying gaudy baubles from department store shelves with money I don't have.


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