Just spent a good 2 hours scouring the Target shelves for safe products to replace the hazardous ones I weeded out of our bathrooms and kitchen. My bags were full of the few safe shampoos, soaps, and cleansers I was able to find and various kid items when I noticed a clear liquid seeping from one of the bags. By the time I figured out where it was coming from, the bottom of the stroller was soaked, my hands were covered, and a majority of our other items were wet.
Normally an incident of this nature would leave me saying some very colorful words under my breath as I frantically tried to clean up the mess, but considering it was a bottle of Seventh Generation All Purpose Cleaner that would not render my skin a burning peeling mess and half of our groceries ready for the garbage before they even made it into the car....I surprisingly had a smile on my face and the only negative thought I had was that I was bummed so much of the bottle was wasted, but accidents do happen and I would much rather it be one like this than something worse. Going green has long term benefits, but what happened today proved it has immediate benefits too...I have hopefully seriously lessened my chances of ever having to make a dreadful call to poison control...and now the kids can join in and help out with the house cleaning too!!!
Just unloaded the groceries and the bagger put my ginger in the same bag as my dishwasher detergent. Thankfully it was yet another non toxic Seventh Generation product and I can continue with my plans to make ginger soy chicken without worrying about poisoning my family.
Happy Tuesday!
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