While I have enjoyed an entire week of the P90X program and the way it makes me feel, I am stuck wondering if the benefits of exercising outweigh the amount of stress involved in finding the time to exercise. The older kids are fine with it and often join in, but my youngest child screams and cries at the sight of me doing jumping jacks, downward dog, or biceps curls. Usually he goes down for a nap after lunch and I have just enough time to get in a 60 minute workout, but that is becoming increasingly more difficult. He either fights napping at all or wakes up within 30 minutes as if he is onto the fact that mommy is doing something good for herself and it must be stopped immediately. I would like to continue the program and enjoy the benefits of more energy, a smaller waistline, and maybe even a little muscle definition, but that goal seems to be getting hazier by the day.
Since I got the order mixed up a bit, I ended up doing the yoga session for the first time yesterday. Its a good 1.5 hour program of stretching and balancing, but I found it a bit boring. I am much more fond of Inhale with Steve Ross on the Oxygen Channel and even Sarah Ivanhoe's All Star Yoga Workout (with and w/o weights). Partly due to the moves in the workout, but also because Tony's rambling can sometimes be a bit distracting (and annoying) especially when trying to concentrate on a pose. It was the first time I found myself wanting to quit in the middle of a workout. Since today is a weights day, I am looking forward to a good burn and banishing any thoughts of quitting and sticking to it.
So far, I haven't had a ton of soreness. I tend to be a bit stiff first thing in the morning and later in the evening when I am sitting on the couch, but the minute I get up and move around, any soreness disappears. Still feeling energized and not exhausted, so I definitely want to continue to challenge myself to stick with the program and make it work despite the stress. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.....
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