So Long Summer

The kids are about to start their 4th week of school. Where did summer go??? We were supposed to spend our vacation camping, hiking, and otherwise enjoying frolicking in the hot summer sun as a family, but a busted shoulder from a bike accident put me in an immobilizer for the entire break while I healed from having a "tight rope" implant. While I wasn't quite ready to say so long to summer with only one night of camping and an aquarium visit, we have gotten back into the swing of the school routine much better than I anticipated. #4 starts preschool this week, so the man and I can enjoy our jogging dates which will thankfully be a lot less stressful now that we'll have 3 entire kid free hours, 3 times a week!!! Somewhere in there, I will be finishing up my resolution to read 50+ books (currently on #48), hopefully craft a bit (have a blanket on order, need to make something for the school fundraiser, and Christmas will be here before I know it), and get to work on learning the ins and outs of CO real estate so I can get licensed and begin bringing in some decent income to help contribute to college funds, shoe funds, clothing funds, food funds, debt funds, etc.

As usual, I hope to post more about what we are doing, or at least pictures of what we are doing to keep everyone up to date. Until the next time I post...tomorrow, next week, or next happy, stay healthy, and don't forget to smile at all times!


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