As usual, I hope to post more about what we are doing, or at least pictures of what we are doing to keep everyone up to date. Until the next time I post...tomorrow, next week, or next happy, stay healthy, and don't forget to smile at all times!
So Long Summer
The kids are about to start their 4th week of school. Where did summer go??? We were supposed to spend our vacation camping, hiking, and otherwise enjoying frolicking in the hot summer sun as a family, but a busted shoulder from a bike accident put me in an immobilizer for the entire break while I healed from having a "tight rope" implant. While I wasn't quite ready to say so long to summer with only one night of camping and an aquarium visit, we have gotten back into the swing of the school routine much better than I anticipated. #4 starts preschool this week, so the man and I can enjoy our jogging dates which will thankfully be a lot less stressful now that we'll have 3 entire kid free hours, 3 times a week!!! Somewhere in there, I will be finishing up my resolution to read 50+ books (currently on #48), hopefully craft a bit (have a blanket on order, need to make something for the school fundraiser, and Christmas will be here before I know it), and get to work on learning the ins and outs of CO real estate so I can get licensed and begin bringing in some decent income to help contribute to college funds, shoe funds, clothing funds, food funds, debt funds, etc.
2011 Year of Surgery

Here we are in the middle of the year and I am scheduled for my second surgery of the year. At the end of March, I had an inguinal hernia fixed and to my surprise, the doctor found not one, but two.
Two months later, I get back into my exercise routine and am ready to get back into shape, but get derailed after a bike accident. On my way home from a ladies night outing with friends, I clipped a brown trash can in the bike lane. It was dark and there weren't any reflectors on the can. While I had a light, I did not see the can.
I hit the ground hard. My bike helmet suffered a piercing dent around the area of my left temple. I truly believe I would've been in a coma or dead if it weren't for my helmet. Instead, I suffered a bunch of road rash on my knees, hands, shoulder, and face. My right hand was pretty bruised as well as my left hip. And I have a type 3 separated shoulder which means the cartilage between my shoulder joint and clavicle were completely torn. Since there isn't any overlap of the bones, surgery is my best bet for a "full" recovery. The cartilage will be reattached, I'll have 4 weeks in a sling, plus another 4 weeks of physical therapy that I am sure I will need to continue for months.
Here's to hoping I don't see the inside of an operating room for at least another year, but preferably, never!
Back to School!
Summer vacation is quickly coming to an end. We enjoyed a summer of no obligations and it was wonderful. We biked to the new pool at our local YMCA, went camping, built a playground in the backyard, had a few bbqs, and I even snuck out to VA for a visit with my family all by myself!
School starts on Tuesday which will find me with a 4th grader, 2nd grader, kindergartner and preschooler. With homework, swimming lessons and karate in our near future, our lazy days of summer will be a thing of the past.
We are all excited for the new school year and as ready as we'll ever be for the early morning alarms followed by the dressing and eating chaos. My goal for this year is to be on time for school drop off and not to forget a drop off/pick up as I will spend most of my days shuttling kids to and from school and activities.
Bye, bye summer vacation!
School starts on Tuesday which will find me with a 4th grader, 2nd grader, kindergartner and preschooler. With homework, swimming lessons and karate in our near future, our lazy days of summer will be a thing of the past.
We are all excited for the new school year and as ready as we'll ever be for the early morning alarms followed by the dressing and eating chaos. My goal for this year is to be on time for school drop off and not to forget a drop off/pick up as I will spend most of my days shuttling kids to and from school and activities.
Bye, bye summer vacation!
Master Cleanse
I did it!!! Finally bit the bullet and did 14 days of Stanley Burrough's Master Cleanse or sometimes referred to as the Lemonade Diet. It was a fantastic success and I am looking forward to doing it again.
The first 2 days were a bit rough, not due to feelings of starvation like some have had, but just sheer tiredness. Days 3-5 were riddled with leg pain that from what I've read is due to a large amount of toxins being stored in the legs. The most interesting part for me was the whitening of my tongue. The cleanse is done when the tongue is once again pink first thing in the morning.
I had such a great amount of energy, clarity and sheer joy for each day no matter what was in store for me. I was able to do mundane tasks (folding laundry, emptying dishwasher etc) with glee. Waking up an hour earlier than usual without the need for coffee was something I never imagined I would be lucky enough to experience. And to top it off, the scale numbers dropped by 15 pounds! 5 of which came back upon a return to eating a pescatarian diet. But with daily exercise, better eating habits, and the lingering feeling of accomplishing such an awesome task, I hope to get those 5 pesky pounds and more off.
The first 2 days were a bit rough, not due to feelings of starvation like some have had, but just sheer tiredness. Days 3-5 were riddled with leg pain that from what I've read is due to a large amount of toxins being stored in the legs. The most interesting part for me was the whitening of my tongue. The cleanse is done when the tongue is once again pink first thing in the morning.
I had such a great amount of energy, clarity and sheer joy for each day no matter what was in store for me. I was able to do mundane tasks (folding laundry, emptying dishwasher etc) with glee. Waking up an hour earlier than usual without the need for coffee was something I never imagined I would be lucky enough to experience. And to top it off, the scale numbers dropped by 15 pounds! 5 of which came back upon a return to eating a pescatarian diet. But with daily exercise, better eating habits, and the lingering feeling of accomplishing such an awesome task, I hope to get those 5 pesky pounds and more off.
Day 7 P90X - Debating the Benefits
While I have enjoyed an entire week of the P90X program and the way it makes me feel, I am stuck wondering if the benefits of exercising outweigh the amount of stress involved in finding the time to exercise. The older kids are fine with it and often join in, but my youngest child screams and cries at the sight of me doing jumping jacks, downward dog, or biceps curls. Usually he goes down for a nap after lunch and I have just enough time to get in a 60 minute workout, but that is becoming increasingly more difficult. He either fights napping at all or wakes up within 30 minutes as if he is onto the fact that mommy is doing something good for herself and it must be stopped immediately. I would like to continue the program and enjoy the benefits of more energy, a smaller waistline, and maybe even a little muscle definition, but that goal seems to be getting hazier by the day.
Since I got the order mixed up a bit, I ended up doing the yoga session for the first time yesterday. Its a good 1.5 hour program of stretching and balancing, but I found it a bit boring. I am much more fond of Inhale with Steve Ross on the Oxygen Channel and even Sarah Ivanhoe's All Star Yoga Workout (with and w/o weights). Partly due to the moves in the workout, but also because Tony's rambling can sometimes be a bit distracting (and annoying) especially when trying to concentrate on a pose. It was the first time I found myself wanting to quit in the middle of a workout. Since today is a weights day, I am looking forward to a good burn and banishing any thoughts of quitting and sticking to it.
So far, I haven't had a ton of soreness. I tend to be a bit stiff first thing in the morning and later in the evening when I am sitting on the couch, but the minute I get up and move around, any soreness disappears. Still feeling energized and not exhausted, so I definitely want to continue to challenge myself to stick with the program and make it work despite the stress. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.....
Since I got the order mixed up a bit, I ended up doing the yoga session for the first time yesterday. Its a good 1.5 hour program of stretching and balancing, but I found it a bit boring. I am much more fond of Inhale with Steve Ross on the Oxygen Channel and even Sarah Ivanhoe's All Star Yoga Workout (with and w/o weights). Partly due to the moves in the workout, but also because Tony's rambling can sometimes be a bit distracting (and annoying) especially when trying to concentrate on a pose. It was the first time I found myself wanting to quit in the middle of a workout. Since today is a weights day, I am looking forward to a good burn and banishing any thoughts of quitting and sticking to it.
So far, I haven't had a ton of soreness. I tend to be a bit stiff first thing in the morning and later in the evening when I am sitting on the couch, but the minute I get up and move around, any soreness disappears. Still feeling energized and not exhausted, so I definitely want to continue to challenge myself to stick with the program and make it work despite the stress. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.....
Biting the P90X Bullet - Day 2
One of the benefits I hoped to get from our move to CO was a healthier lifestyle thru biking, hiking, walking, and jogging. Well, that hasn't quite happened. I have enjoyed a few family hikes and the occasional work out, but have managed to push the scale and my waistband in the opposite direction.
So, I am giving P90X a shot.
I started yesterday with the back/chest exercise session consisting of push ups and pull ups. It was a pretty hilarious experience. There were definitely more giggles than actual push ups. My arms were toast within the first few minutes and shaking more than a leaf in a gusty wind. At the end of it, I went on to attempt the ab ripper which was just as entertaining.
Day 2 was yoga like stretches which is right up my alley, so it was a thoroughly invigorating hour long workout without the hilarity of yesterday.
Both workouts have left me well energized and not exhausted. I feel the work of what I have done without feeling like I need to collapse. This helps to keep me interested and curious to see what the next day has in store. I am enjoying the challenge and hope it continues to peak my interest long enough to get some serious results. I am not looking to be ripped...just able to fit in my pre-kid clothes and not look like a muffin in my jeans.
There are times I feel like I should be the poster child for ADD since it can be hard to hold my attention and that doesn't bode well with most workouts. I have done many varied workouts on and off over the years, but not necessarily for the benefits of muscle confusion, but more so out of boredom. Here's to hoping P90X has the ability to keep me entertained and interested enough to stick with it and succeed in beating this doughy hamburger bun body into flat bread.
So, I am giving P90X a shot.
I started yesterday with the back/chest exercise session consisting of push ups and pull ups. It was a pretty hilarious experience. There were definitely more giggles than actual push ups. My arms were toast within the first few minutes and shaking more than a leaf in a gusty wind. At the end of it, I went on to attempt the ab ripper which was just as entertaining.
Day 2 was yoga like stretches which is right up my alley, so it was a thoroughly invigorating hour long workout without the hilarity of yesterday.
Both workouts have left me well energized and not exhausted. I feel the work of what I have done without feeling like I need to collapse. This helps to keep me interested and curious to see what the next day has in store. I am enjoying the challenge and hope it continues to peak my interest long enough to get some serious results. I am not looking to be ripped...just able to fit in my pre-kid clothes and not look like a muffin in my jeans.
There are times I feel like I should be the poster child for ADD since it can be hard to hold my attention and that doesn't bode well with most workouts. I have done many varied workouts on and off over the years, but not necessarily for the benefits of muscle confusion, but more so out of boredom. Here's to hoping P90X has the ability to keep me entertained and interested enough to stick with it and succeed in beating this doughy hamburger bun body into flat bread.