Desperately Trying To Stay Calm

The rest of the family has finally recovered from a nasty virus. Conner is battling 4 molars and 2 front teeth (on the bottom on either side of the middle two). He had a 103 degree fever Sunday night and is now around 101. He's still eating somewhat and drinking a lot, so hoping he will continue to improve, especially since I will be down and out for awhile.

I have the lovely wonderful sinus surgery tomorrow. I have been trying to avoid thinking about what the recovery is going to be like until now. I almost had a panic attack last night trying to breathe out of my mouth. Apparently it can be difficult breathing out of your nose because of the packing material that doesn't get taken out for a week and I will need to sleep sitting up. Try breathing out of your mouth exclusively. Its tough to feel like you are getting enough oxygen...right?...or is it just me???

I just got off the phone with the pre-op interview. When the very nice woman on the other end of the phone was verifying all the things being done (with names I can't recall or even attempt to pronounce other than bilateral), she made a comment about how I am having a lot done...enter panic attack #2! I keep reminding myself to take deep breaths, but that throws me back into panic attack #1, reminding me that breathing is going to be difficult come tomorrow afternoon. Dear sinuses...why must you do this to me???!!!!


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