From the Mind of a 6 Year Old

Here is what making "infinity and beyond dollars" can do for you:

I have no idea where this came from, Adam finished his very last day of 1st grade today and within minutes of arriving home (and getting a little hopped up on a celebratory ice cream cone)...he dressed up, started talking differently and asked that I film should see what I got with the video camera (he made up a song that included instructions as to what and when I was to shout out during the production)...that and Riley jumping up and down yelling "ice cream cone" everytime the camera was pointed at her.

Shower Curtains

Have you ever had a shower curtain look so grungy, it made you wince? I have, but the thought of the headache inducing smell of a new curtain has left me wincing even more, especially after reading the latest EWG Enviroblog entry, that says the new shower curtain smell is caused by toxic chemicals like phthalates and VOCs. One shower curtain that was tested released 108 different volatile organic compounds!

I'll be keeping an eye out for PVC free shower curtains hitting store shelves. In the meantime, I have opted to wash my curtain and it looks brand new.

Happy Showering!!!

Congratulations Marin!

Marin is officially a preschool graduate and off to kindergarten in the Fall. She had a lot of fun over the last 2 years and will miss her classmates a lot since they will be scattered around the area in different schools.