After picking #1 up at the bus stop and hearing all the lovely details of field day. We will set off to drive all over Loudoun and possibly Fairfax county in search of this cot:

for the 2007 Hogs Camp Gap Trail Magic adventure this weekend. I called several stores last night and supposedly two of the local Sports Authorities have them in stock. I am not so confident they actually have this specific cot. Both sales assistants put me on hold several times but I couldn't help the feeling they were twiddling their thumbs rather than actually looking for the cots. Several times they would take me off hold and answer the phone as if they had never talked to me before and asked how they could help me. I am also skeptical considering one of the associates assured me the cot was only $20. I can't seem to find any website listing it for less than $30 and most have it for $45.
This will be the second time #1 and the hubby partake in the wilderness adventure with Katita and Naton. #1 finds it hilarious that he gets to "go" in a hole in the ground...the very first memory he conjured up the other day when discussing his upcoming camping trip. The rest of us will join one of these years. Aside from the fact that our 6 month old has yet to sleep thru the night in anything other than his Fisher Price glider that could work in a tent if it weren't for the noise 3 other children would make....I am not ready to hear #2 complain that she wants to go to her bed at midnight 3 hours away from home. #3 would probably be fine, but getting her to sleep somewhere other than in a room by herself means at least an hour of her throwing anything she can get her hands on at those who are trying to sleep or get her to calm down (learned that the painful way when she whacked me on my brow bone at Nana's house over spring break).
Thanks for doing the cot search. I can't camp, and "go" in a hole, without a cumfy cot.
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