No one warned me my last baby would grow at lightening speed! He is 6 months old and already hitting more milestones than I can keep up with. He has transitioned beautifully to the crib which is quite an accomplishment considering anytime I tried to put him in it, he threw such a fit that I would eventually cave and plop him back into his glider. I am sure it helps that he can roll around until his little heart is content which he could not do in his other thing. While I am so glad to have him in the crib (because the last time I picked him up in his glider, he was sitting up straight which meant he would soon figure out how to flip out of it head first), I will miss checking in on him to find his right fist pressed against his forehead and his left fist gripping the hair on the back of his head.
Three weeks ago he uttered his first "real" words. We were gearing up to celebrate Aunt M's birthday and check out a local festival and Kirkiez was suffering from an attack presumably brought on by a dish from our favorite New Mexican restaurant. While he was laid out in bed and I was frantically getting the kids ready for what was turning out to be an afternoon without the hubby, #4 said "dada". Ever since, he hasn't stopped showing off his new found one word vocabulary. I swear ever time he says it, I freak out as if it is the first time I have heard him because it is so darn cute!
He can also sit up with only the occasional tumble, roll the entire length of the family room within seconds, and loves bananas...I can't seem to shovel them in his mouth fast enough. In the last few weeks, he has been perfecting the push up which is quickly evolving into the prelude to crawling. Curious to see if he is a commando crawler, sit and scooter, or skips straight to all fours.
With my first child having finished kindergarten and gearing up for first grade, #2 preparing for 3 instead of 2 days of preschool, and #3 desperately wanting to do everything her older siblings do, my head is spinning. Will somebody please sloooooow dooooown the clock. I am turning 34 next week and feeling like my life is passing me by while I sit here trying to figure out where the heck it is going in such a hurry. So this summer, while we don't have school, alarm clocks, bus schedules, car pools and what not to restrain us, we are going to focus on enjoying every last second we have to do whatever it is that pleases us and hope that just for a little while we can challenge that clock to let us feel like we have the ability to slow it down...and just in case that doesn't work, I'll be sure to have the cameras charged up and ready to record those moments so that we can savor them as many times as our hearts desire without worrying that time once again slipped away from us before we were ready for it to do so.
Happy Summer Everyone!
Nice sentiment. I love you. --jk
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