Cloth Diapers Rock!

It has been almost 2 weeks since starting cloth diapers and I am loving them more than I ever thought I could. My hubbies step sister was a wealth of wonderful information since I found the ridiculous amount of info online so overwhelming. I am a researcher, but quickly came to find cloth diapering is a very subjective matter that research was only going to further confuse me and cause me to be an indecisive wreck.

Conner had an awful case of diaper rash for 3 weeks that finally subsided thanks to a combo of cloth diapers and some oral meds. I was going to switch from regular to chlorine free diapers, but was discouraged after finding out they are not biodegradable. So I ordered some gDiapers for grandparents, babysitters, etc who might find cloth diapering challenging and trips from home that don't include an easily accessible washing machine. While some people seem to be turned off by the "ick" factor of swishing in the toilet, I think they are terrific! If you can' handle the swish and flush, they biodegrade in 50-150 days so they can be tossed out or you can even compost the ones that are just wet. An added bonus is that the swish stick included in the starter pack is a great tool for depooping cloth diapers and the gDiaper covers can be used with cloth diapers as well. Good stuff!

Our pediatrician so kindly donated a bunch of cotton and wool Nikky covers and fitted prefolds. I also couldn't resist ordering Bummis covers and unbleached Indian prefolds per the step sisters suggestion and love them (especially the adorable frog print). I had to order a few pocket diapers for the fun of it...Fuzzi Bunz, Happy Heinys, and a one size Swaddlebees. I use the Bummis during the day and the Fuzzi Bunz (with the double protection of a rectangular micro terry insert and swaddlebees hemp insert) at night. Thanks to my WAHMies diaper pail liner and a dash of tea tree oil, the laundry room smells like a laundry room rather than a bathroom.

Washing hasn't been as tough as I thought it would be. A cold cycle with baking soda to rinse and prevent stains, a hot wash with Charlie's Soap, and a cold rinse with vinegar does the trick. As soon as my Bio-Kleen Bac-Out arrives, I'll be set.

For the girls, I ordered from Snap-EZ, 2 AIO Trainers and 2 Nap-Ez Stuffable Trainers with inserts. I love them so much, I just ordered another set for the oldest one who is waking up dry 75% of the time so he still needs a little protection. I am tired of buying pull ups, especially after finding out that the gel in pull ups and diapers is the same stuff that was removed from tampons ages ago for causing toxic shock syndrome. Ruth at Snap-EZ is super responsive, a true gem to communicate with. She does terrific work and offers a wonderful array of color/pattern choices. I highly recommend them!


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I love cloth diapers also!!

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