It has been a week since the surgery. It went well and I can breathe out of my nose! My sense of smell is even better, but with 4 young kids and the smells they can conjure up, I am seriously questioning why I wanted my nose fixed in the first place. I can't even tell you exactly what the doc did. He shaved some bone, fixed a ballooned area, and some other stuff.
I haven't been in any actual pain except for a dull, nagging headache....but....I have been dizzier than all get out! I pretty much feel like I have the spins 24/7. In my younger years, I probably would've considered a perma buzz a really cool concept, but now, it is a complete nuisance. It makes me almost wish I was in pain because I could pop a pill and feel better.
The irrigation and debridement are tomorrow in which the doc sucks out the gel packing and other funky stuff. I have been told to take my pain medicine an hour before going in, so it sounds like a really fun procedure. Can't wait!
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