Not doing so hot, but hey, someone appreciates my ass!

The big night out was was awesome reliving my youth with my sister and some headbanger music. I was even told by a a guy who was hitting on me until he saw my rings and realized I was married that I have a nice ass. Thank you! Nice to know it can still be a pleasurable piece of equipment for others to view, especially since I don't get to check it out very often myself, nor do I think to look at it cuz honestly, I think it is in dire need of some shaping and toning...but thanks for the compliment bar fly from cajun town.

The kids and I headed to Nana and Grandpa J's for a few days during Spring Break. We took a fun hike across the river from there house which was refreshing on such a lovely afternoon. Afterwards, we stopped by two restaurants before finding one that was open for us to eat. We started off in search of fried shrimp and ended up with hot dogs, popcorn chicken, fries and the most scrumptious crab cake sandwich for $5. I will definitely be visiting that lovely little fried food factory for another one...makes me hungry just thinking about it.

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of our fun hike, checking the crab pots (yes, we know its not quite season for them, but the kids have so much fun checking the pots that its worth giving them an early whirl). Our camera pooped out on us as Riley would say. Thanks to Office Depot for emailing me the copy of our receipt (I sent the original to Epson to qualify for the free printer since I don't have a copier) so I can now send it back to Canon for an under warranty fix. Not sure how long we'll be out of a shutterbug, but its already killing me.

In the midst of all the fun, the "olfactory hallucinations" (as my ENT so kindly refers to the cigarette smoke I smell that doesn't exist) have returned with some fun ulcers on my salivary glands. I saw my general practioner who threw me on yet another round of antibiotics (I think this will be round 7, 8, or maybe its 9 since September) and yet another nasal spray to try. While the other sinus infection symptoms have dissipated, the smoke smell is still there. So one surgery down, some improvement from it, but still have problems. Saw the ENT who confirmed I have rhinitis and referred me to the Taste and Smell Clinic: Center for Molecular Nutrition and Sensory Disorders. I was hoping for a more simple allergist referral. Now I get to try to figure out how to make an appointment in DC when I have 4 young children, 2 in some for of schooling, and my living a good hour away...and of course, during Cherry Blossom time...woohoo! But on the flip side, maybe they just might figure out what's going on with me.

My fun sinus stuff hasn't been the only entertainment. Adam got strep a week before the break. The girls had definite exposure, so the doc went ahead and threw them on a course of antibiotics. The next week, the beginning of the break, Adam broke out in an awful rash...yep, poison ivy, oak or sumac...which ever lovely species is wrapped in vine form around every tree in our woods that number one son thought would be fun to climb. The right side of his face, wrist, stomach and bum were covered in itchy, weepy bumps so bad that he ended up on 3 prescription meds at a whopping $50 total. Needless to say, he has strict orders to only climb the two trees in the front yard. At the return to school this week, both girls came down with fevers and the stuffies...but since it was a fairly mild case, not much to complain about until Conner came down with it the same day he got hit with 2 shots at his 15 month check up.

And now, what could possibly top it all...well, Adam came home from school not feeling well but in decent spirits even though he complained his tummy hurt. He ate some yogurt (the doc said his medicine might be upsetting to his stomach so lots of yogurt would help) then curled up on the couch where his mood hit rock bottom. He couldn't stand to have any of the other kids in the room with him even if they were quiet. So I sent him upstairs to my bed for some peace and quiet and he fell asleep. I moved him to his room where he promptly upchucked stomach acid all over the floor (while I was fetching a towel to put on the floor just in case this very thing happened...that new hardwood flooring can't be put in upstairs fast enough!!!). And now he has yacked on the other side of his bed.

So we have a terrific start to the weekend. I am going to go with the glass if half full approach and think things can only get better. Off to cleanse the thoughts that they could get worse with a gin and tonic (yes, I know alcohol lessens the effect of the antibiotics, but I have been Miss Goody Too shoos for too long and deserve a drink the size of a shot). Good night! Sleep tight! And be healthy!!!


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