Shooting the breeze while stuck in the kitchen....

The irrigation and debridement appointment wasn't so bad. Didn't feel a thing, just felt a little awkward having a man totally unrelated to me pry my nostrils open and suck out all sorts of crazy looking things. I totally enjoyed surveying the damage when the doc used the scope to show me his handy work. The insides of the nasal passageways are pretty wild looking, especially a week after being hacked up. The best part is that I get to go back three more times over the next three weeks...yippee!

I have been cooking since is now 1am and I am almost finally done. My mother in law slipped and cracked her knee cap (ouch!) while helping tend to her father who is in a rehab center recovering from a fractured pelvis (another ouch!), so I decided it was necessary to cook up some good ole comfort food for them. First, I made badem jun which is the fancy foreign name for a dish that consists of eggplant, chicken, and tomatoes served with basmati rice. Then I took on stuffed grape leaves which take forever to make, but are so good, its worth every second, minute, hour.

Thanks to a Showtime freeview this weekend, I am not bored while waiting for the grape leaves to be done...I get to spy on the Big Brother household! I feel like such a peeping tom! While I would much prefer a peek into Dr. Drew's Celebrity Rehab instead of Big Brother, I must admit it is interesting to watch how people interact with each other when tempted with a cash prize.

Looking forward to catching some z's on my couch. Still can't sleep in bed without nasal issues, but since the dizziness is almost completely gone and the only discomfort is a dull headache, I can't complain.

Good night, sweet dreams.


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