The bus ride home from a day of fun at school turned out to be less than stellar. Apparently the substitute driver's grandson punched him...which would explain the bloody lip. Kirkiez called the school and was referred to the Department of Transportation who told him they would review the tape (guess they have cameras on the buses) and get back to him.
Thinking the bus incident was the cause of #1's pathetic mood, I tried to convince him to perk up and promised him as soon as we got the cots, we'd head home to watch the new movie in the mailbox (Arthur and the Invisibles). His mood continued to deteriorate as I frantically attempted to find the cots, which thanks to the sales associate were found underneath some hanging sleeping bags. While I was excited to find them at the very first store we visited, they were substantially more than the $20 quote last night...try $49.99! But, they are pretty cool. #1 also convinced me to buy him a new headlamp and mini maglite...helping to give him a bit of a smile. Once home, I checked his temp and it was 102 and eventually hit 103.5!!! Hopefully he'll have the fever licked in time to go camping.
Hopefully #1 is better by the trip!
Nice cots too!
Now I just need to spend sometime updating my blog so I can catch up with you. I'll get there!
The cots worked well. Definately a better night's sleep. The only drawback was that the 2-3 man tent wasn't quite big enough with 2 cots in them. We need a larger family car camping tent. Maybe this one:
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