I was inspired by a bumper stick I saw the other day that spelled out Coexist in various religious symbols. I love the sticker and its message and wanted to find one for myself. After a quick search online, I found the sticker has caused quite an uproar due to licensing issues. You can read all about it here and here. I guess nothing is easy in these sue happy times, even when there is a good message worth getting across.
I find the message and that of the many variations in line with the way I wish we could all live our lives. Makes me want to plaster my big behemoth of a Suburban with all of them (yes, I know I am trying to live "green" but what other vehicle fits 6 people, 2 Labradors and handles a trip to Costco on payday???). It isn't necessary to convert others to our own religious beliefs, or to only find solace in those who share our beliefs...it is important that we all embrace each others individuality and celebrate our differences. If we were all alike, we would go nuts!!!
At 34, I am happy to say I have finally found a "religion" I can believe in...drum roll... Unitarian Universalism. I find the perspective and principles very comforting and in line with the way that I try to live my life and enjoy the unique differences in all of us.
I'm still avoiding anything resembling organized religion for myself... but if I ever did decide to take on any sort of affiliation again, Unitarian Universalist would be it for me, too. My violin instructor briefly intro'd me to it, and I like the sound of it.
Maybe some day, if and when I ever finish my little journey through my own bastardized form of Buddhism. I do loves me the Buddha. :)
Cheerio, and CALL ME, WOMAN! :)
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